Batman Arkham City is an action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Released on October 18, 2016, it is the 2nd installment in the Batman Arkham series. The *Batman Arkham City* PS4 Fake PKG is available for installation, and game updates & DLC (PKG) can be installed on any exploited PlayStation 4 via USB or FTP.
Game Name | Batman Arkham City |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Action-adventure |
Mode | Single-player, Multiplayer |
Release Date | October 18, 2016 |
Size | 8GB |
Required Firmware | 4.01+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
Set within the confines of Arkham City, a sprawling open-world environment, players can freely explore and navigate the city as Batman. The game emphasizes stealth and gadget-based gameplay, allowing Batman to glide using his cape and use the grapnel gun to access high ledges. The “Detective Vision” mode highlights important elements and aids in solving crimes. The game enhances the “Freeflow” combat system from its predecessor, allowing for dynamic combat with simultaneous counters, aerial assaults, and a series of consecutive strikes.
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MAN the link is died