The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is an episodic adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. Released on February 28, 2017, for PlayStation 4, this installment continues the gripping narrative of the zombie apocalypse. Players explore a fractured world where civilization is in turmoil, and trust is a rare commodity. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier PS4 Fake PKG is available for download and installation. Game updates & DLC (PKG) can be installed on any exploited PlayStation 4 via USB or FTP.
Game Name | The Walking Dead: A New Frontier |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Action, Adventure, General, Point-and-Click |
Mode | Single-player |
Release Date | February 28, 2017 |
Size | 15.74 GB |
Required Firmware | 4.07+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
In The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, players continue the story of the zombie apocalypse from the earlier seasons. The game introduces two central characters: Clementine, a returning heroine, and Javier, a new protagonist. Players will navigate a devastated world, making choices that impact the story and character relationships. As you guide Clementine and Javier through a series of challenges, you’ll face difficult decisions and uncover the harsh realities of survival in this new frontier.
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