Under The Waves is an atmospheric and immersive adventure game developed by Parallel Studio and published by Quantic Dream. This unique title invites players to explore the depths of the ocean in a compelling narrative experience. The Under The Waves PS4 Fake PKG is available for download and installation. You can easily install game updates & DLC (PKG) on any exploited PlayStation 4 via USB or FTP to access the latest content and features.
Game Name | Under The Waves |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
Genre | Adventure |
Mode | Single Player |
Release Date | August 29, 2023 |
Size | 9.04 GB |
Required Firmware | 10.00+ |
FAQs | Read Here |
Game Overview
Under The Waves offers a deep and emotional journey as players navigate the mysterious underwater world. The game features stunning visuals and a captivating story that unfolds as you explore the ocean’s depths. Players will encounter various marine life and uncover hidden secrets while solving puzzles and engaging in immersive gameplay. With its rich narrative and beautifully crafted environments, Under The Waves provides a unique and memorable adventure for those seeking a profound gaming experience.
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